This weekend I decided was a good weekend to do NOTHING. Emma spent max 2 hours outside, mainly because she has a runny nose and a bit of a cough. I don't want her to be sent home the first day of her (new) daycare, so I'm hoping she'll be better tomorrow from resting. It's really hard listening to her cough while writing here, I keep wanting to check how she is... but I know that by walking into her room I'll just wake her up :(
Miraculously Emma took two naps today on my behalf. I keep passing out on my bed from being so exhausted. Luckily she's sometimes understanding and naps with me, or at least chills on the bed for a little while. I managed to forget how hard it is being all day at home with a kid. I swear I'm cleaning ALL the time, and still it's messy!! But the mess is really worth it. Behind me is a pile of quilts and pillows, but they were used in the tent me and Emma made today :) It was our tent on a deserted island where we go sea-shell picking. :)
Emma organizing out tent |
Also I'm avoiding going into out kitchen... I decided to make lentil soup as part of an assignment for school. The soup turned out OK, but thinking about the dishes is making me stressed and sleepy. And yes, our homework was to cook food --> best courses ever!
lentil soup |
Tomorrow I'll put up a picture of Emma's first day in daycare <3 But for now I will go educate myself on wines. And yes, we have a wine course --> best school ever!