Today Emma woke up crying at 8:00; unlike usually, she didn't stop crying. She didn't want to play, she didn't want to feed, go back to sleep or have a poopy diaper. I concluded that it was digestion pain or maybe teething. Eventually I got her to feed and she fell back asleep. When we later woke up, she cried again, and spent most of the morning whining. She ate breakfast but took only a spoonful of lunch. I thought that a bit wierd so I measured her temperature. Now, babies have a fever if their temperature is over 38
°C. We have a pacifier thermometer, which is handy even though it takes a few minutes (thank you Laura!), and that shows -0.5°C of the actual body temperature. The thermometer showed 37.7°, so Emma had a fever of 38.2°C. 0.2°C fever for a mom who's never had a sick kid before = PANIC PANIC PANIC. I was so worried! Poor Emma, no wonder she was so upset and uncomfortable. I didn't really know what to dress her in, I didn't want her to be cold, but I didn't want her to overheat either. So she spent a while naked, which is anyways recommended for feverish babies to help their body temperature drop. We spent most of the day in bed reading books, singing and feeding. I gave her lots of milk so she would stay hydrated. I didn't want to give her aspirin (for babies) unless the fever got past 39°C - I don't really like the idea of taking medicine unless it's really necessary. Before bed her temperature was 38°C, so I'm guessing over night it'll go away completely.
Other than the fever Emma has been doing great! I've noticed that she knows when something is hidden behind something else. Small infants think items disappear when they are covered, but now when I try to hide my phone under a blanket on the sofa/bed she knows to go looking for it underneath the blanket. Also she turns the pages when we're reading a book together, what a smartypants <3 She just keeps getting cuter every day, the way she interacts with me and recognizes all sorts of things: songs, words etc. She knows tisu means tits/milk, ei means no, and her name ofcourse. She also likes the song "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly", at the moment it's her favorite.
Day overview:
Amount of Pilttis (baby food): 3
Amount of diapers: 6 (3 poops, so not fair since she didn't even eat much!!)
Mood: uncomfortable
she stands so tall :) |
So vain :D |
PS - I like to take Emma to places so she can look and wander around, thing is I've run out of ideas where to take her. If I take her to town or malls I end up shopping and spending money, so if anyone could come up with places for us to spend a day wound be nice. Nothing expensive. We sometimes go to these family cafes but they've gotten a bit boring. We've already planned to go to the zoo next week, so an activity like that would be fun. Any ideas welcome!
Hey! I babysit two kids that are 1,5 years. We sometimes go to this avoin päiväkoti. It's free and they have two workers there every day. Sometimes they have some program for the kids like temppurata or vohvelikestit. You dont leave your kids there alone, you chill out with the kids and other kids and their mommies. I don't know if they have them in Helsinki but at least in Espoo and Vantaa.
I think you can actually change the text on the ticker to anything u want. Then u could put "My baby is.." or "Emma is.." etc. At least it gave me that option when i made my tickers :)
VastaaPoistai wanna see this vain little baby again <3 so badly!!
VastaaPoistashes adorable and grown so much, i saw some some of åsas photos, adorable!
we shall have our IKEA date soon, that will be one excursion.. you could go swimming, to the library? look at picture books and stuff, for sushi (; , heureka if its free entry - she might not rly get much out of it but could still be a fun time to go see the massive chairs.. this is hard! summer will have so many more options..
loooove sandra
and yess i will start to follow this more now, been glancing here and there but been busy but i promise ill comment more!! xx miss you both like crazy!!