I've really wanted to come and write here more often, but I honestly don't know what people want to read. The answer "write about Emma" IS VARY VAGUE, so some ideas would be nice. Right now I'm trying to write, but Lil'E keeps trying to climb up my leg crying for my attention.
Naturally, I just ignore her and hope she'll go away and play with her
toys. I know that sounds cruel, but it's not like I'll take her onto my
lap every time she wants me to.
Today Emma has been a bit sick. She's thrown up about 4 times; and thrown up A LOT. It's so sad to watch her be sick and cry because it hurts her stomach. I really hope I managed to comfort her enough. She's also had diarrhea a few times, even though she hasn't eaten anything. At least she's drinking a lot of water, so she stays hydrated. There's no fever and she seems just as alert, so it shouldn't be too serious. It's really worrying, but I have a feeling she got some bacteria due to the fact she sticks everything in her mouth. I hope it's over by tomorrow.
Emma has been growing so much lately! Ok, not length wise, but she's learning new things. I swear she's already trying to say "äiti" (mom in finnish). Although her version of it is more like "äidi", but she's getting there! It honestly melts my heart :') But even just as cute is when she stands on my lap and wraps her arms around me, like if she were giving me a hug <3 I also like watching her when she stands against our cuboards (especially the bathroom one) and her eyes glow and sparkle when she realizes she's managed to open the doors again :D It's just so fun for her to rummage through the drawers. Amazingly I don't mind putting all the stuff back into place, or at least not yet I don't.
I would like to show off some of the new additions to our household!
First of all I HAD to get this for Emma, it's such a classic toy. Unfortunatly Emma doesn't really use it yet, but maybe once she learns to walk it'll be more in use.
Brio pushy thing :P
Princess Emma's Thrown |
I bought Emma a potty! I think parents usually start potty training children at around 18months but I didn't think there'd be any harm if I put Emma to sit there once in a while. The thing is, we have such a small sink that it gets very hard/annoying to wash Emma's golden bum, therefore I figured I can sit her on the potty after her meals if in any luck she'll poopy there instead of her diaper.( I'm sure that was nice for everyone to read :P ) She sits there very nicely, and we read her Moomin bath book together. It's a lot of fun, honestly. So far she's made little peepee in her potty. THE CUTEST PEEPEE IN THE WORLD. It's so hilarious how you can be so proud of someone's peeing.
Last but not least, I bought Emma a new stroller! I thought we could use a new one, a lighter one, that would be easy to use on trips or during the summer. At first I looked at one stroller that was on sale, 79e, real good price. But instead I decided to spend 50e more because...wait for it...these ones have a cup holder!! It's so sad how something so useless can be so appealing to spenders.
We've brought the stroller up to our appartment and we've been breaking them in. I tell Emma we need to practice using them so we're prepared when we use them in Rhodos (April 2012). :)