tiistai 25. syyskuuta 2012

Parents association

Today I went to Emma's daycare for parent-teacher evening. At first it was a bit awkward when I got there, but I started chatting with some of the moms to break the ice. The daycare thought of starting a parents association and OBVIOUSLY I was the first one writing my name on the list :D We figured we could organize some outside daycare trips or flea markets together. I thought that was a great idea, and can't wait to start participating in it! Lol, I wonder if I can add "member of parents association" in my C.V ? :D Guess it would give away that I have a kid :D

I hope taking on this parents association isn't too much. I'm already trying to get on the students association board in our school, and becoming a tutor in the spring.
Emma's art (middle one)
   Recently I've felt that running this household has been too much for me! I barely cook, mainly because Emma eats lunch and dinner at daycare... The place is constantly messy, and my laundry basket is ALWAYS full. My main priority is to do well in school, and I'm hoping Emma can sacrifice spending as much time with me and living in this "less than perfect home". Now if I just pass all my courses, it'll feel like Emma's sacrificing will have been worth it. But don't get me wrong, it's not like she's suffering :D She likes daycare now and SHE'S the one making the mess!! ALL my papers constantly all over the place and bread crumbs everywhere.
Maybe I should figure out how to organize my time better. I'm sure everything will sort out as long as I get studying and pass my exams! Especially my food science exam :S

2 kommenttia:

  1. Little bit off topic, but why u are living in Helsinki? I guess u are not a finnish girl(?)Do you speak any finnish? :D I like you blog! Sorry Im curious :D

    1. haha yes I am Finnish and living in Helsinki :) I write in English so that my friends and family abroad can read this as well :)
