maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012


Linnänmäellä oli tosi hauskaa :) Pallokaruselli oli ehdottomasti paras, toiseksi oli karuselli. Emma tais olla aika hämmästynyt laitteissa, mutta kyllä sieltä muutaman hymy ja nauru purskahti. Lounas syötiin Lintsi Burgerissa missä oli Chevy auto istuimet, oli aika coolit.

Tässä muutaman kuva reissusta:

 Rolle <3

Kuvista huomaa ettei siellä paljon mitään porukkaa ollut. Ihan kivaa niin ei tarvinnut lapsen kanssa jonottaa.

Emma voitti Narunvedossa Rinsessa laukun :) Ensimmäinen käsilaukku :')

Muumit kun ei käy veskissä niin tarvitsevat vaipan :)

tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2012

Syysloma suunnitelmat!

Meidän syysloma alkaa perjantaina, kun viimeinen koe on torstaina :) Olen suunnitellut meille 4 kivaa tekemistä (muuta kun perus leikkiminen ja lukeminen).

Valokarnevaali la 13.10 

Lintsi on maailman paras paikka <3 Varsinkin kun olen ollut siellä töissä muutaman vuosi sitten, niin kivoja muistoja tulee heti mieleen. Ystävien kanssa en varmaan Valossa kävisi, sillä jotkut "hurjat" laitteet ovat kiinni. Mutta onneksi kaikki napero laitteet ovat auki! Aikuinen pääse alle 100cm lapsen kanssa ilmaiseksi niin tulee melko halvaksi kun pitää ostaa vain yksi ranneke. Odotan NIIN innoissani Kot-Kot:ia, sillä päästään Emman kanssa laskemaan tipuja :D:D 

Tallinnan reissu ti 16.10 

Varasin äsken meille Tallinnan reissun kahdeksi yöksi! Reissusta tulee ihan super ihana. Suunnittelin että tästä reissusta tulee kulttuurimatka! Emmalle suunnittelin että käytäis Miia Milla Mandassa (kirjoitin siitä keväällä), sitten käytäis vanhassa vankilassa joka ei kuulemma kovin suosittu turisti kohde, enemmän se on paikallisille. Ja sitten vielä niissä kirkoissa jotka on Vanhassa Kaupungissa. Ruokailu paikkoja en ole vielä miettinyt, muttei ainakaan mikään Olde Hansa :D 

Sirkus Finlandia la 20.10

Isän "perheen" kanssa ollaan Sirkus Finlandiassa käyty muutaman kerran, että siitä alkaa pikkuhiljaa tulla perinne. Tänä vuonna Emmakin pääsee mukaan mikä on sille varmaan tosi hurjaa. Emmalla on aina kivaa kun on kivaa musiikkia ja saa taputtaa. Toivottavasti tänäkin vuonna on heppoja ja koiria :D 

Prinsessa Bileet

Sain Anulta hyvän idean pitää Emmalle "teema illan". SIIS MIKS EN KEKSINYT TÄTÄ ENNEN!? Teema ilta VÄHÄKS HYVÄ! Emma saa ekassa teema illassa pukeutua prinsessaksi (tuhkimo mekko), tanssia, leipoa jotain prinsessa herkkuja ja rakentaa palatsin. Siitä tulee niin kivaa. Meitsikin vois pukeutua.... mä voisin olla vaikka Ruusunen niin nukkuminen olis osa mun roolia :D 

Eli siinä meidän suunnitelmat! Toivottavasti toteutuvat! Yritin tänään saada Emmasta kuvan kun hän tanssi Niiskuneidin kanssa, mutta sain vain ku he vieri lattialla :D Niiskuneiti on hyvän kokoinen tanssipari Emmalle, heitä on söpö katsella.

maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2012

Nyt sisustetaan

Olen sitä mieltä että jos kotimme on kodikas ja siisti, niin molemmilla on kivempi olla. Sitä varten olen miettinyt että voisi alkaa tuunaamaan tätä meidän Bachelorette Cribiä. Muutimme Kontulaan heinäkuussa, ja useimmat huonekalut olivat lahjoituksia vanhemmiltani tai ystäviltäni. Asumme kaksiossa joka on 60 neliötä. Päätin että Emma saa ison makuhuoneen itselleen, että skidillä riittää tilaa tehdä kuperkeikkoja. Edellisessä kämpässä nukuimme samassa huoneessa ja se ei todellakaan toiminut enään. Sänkyni mahtuu hyvin olkkariin, ja olemalla seinän toisella puolella pystyn rauhassa olemaan valveilla iltasin kun Emma nukkuu. 
sänkyni näkyy eteisestä


Tohon vessaan pitäisi nyt keksiä jotain ettei näyttäis noin tyhjältä.... kelasin laittaa taulun suurinpiirtein siihen missä toi peilin varjo näkyy ( vähän alemmas ja vasemmalle). Mitä mieltä? Ja minkä taulun?  Seinien maalaukseen ei vuokranantaja varmaan suostu.

Olen päättänyt lisätä ruskeat verhot olkkariin, mitkä varmaan lähden Ikeaan ostamaan. (JEE! lihapullia <3) Ja sohvan yläpuolelle piti löytää ruskea taulu/esine, mutta tyydyin näihin Cubalais auto kuviin, mitkä jonkun miehen pitäisi tulla riipustamaan ku en itse osaa :D Sit toi karva peitto on IHANA! ja vielä muodissa ;) kannattaa hommata, tosi lämmin! Vaikka pölyä varmaan kerää .... Sit Palestiinasta ostetut tyynyt ja H&M tyyny joilla kaikilla on :D


Tänään jäin Emman kanssa kotiin sillä Emmalla on limasen kuulostava yskä. Mietin että parasta ettei Emma rasita itseään päiväkodissä ja välttyisi yskän muodostuvan keuhkoputkentulehdukseksi. Olen päättänyt että tästä päivästä tulee kiva molemmille! Tietokone on ollut kiinni (paitsi nyt kun Emma nukkuu) ja puhelimella en ole muuta tehnyt ku soitannut pari puhelua. Leikimme koko aamun jalkapalloa and luettiin kirjoja. Tosi kivaa :) Varsinkin kun äiti teki kaikki maalit ;) Olin jo unohtanut miten kivaa on olla kotona ja suunnitella "päivän ohjelma". Tänään on luvassa vain sisällä leikkimistä, ruokailua ja lukemista. Vähän olen jo ehtinyt suunnitella puuhaa syyslomalle, mutta siitä teen erillisen postauksen! :) 

Siinä äiti kirjoittanut keittiön seinälle päivän ohjelman :D Ja seuraavat kuvat melko tarkkaan kuvailevat aamu-päivän menoa :P 
äidin bootsit jalassa 

potta eteiseen: paremmat näköalat
Tässä vielä kuva kun viikonloppuna käytiin Turussa moikkaa iso-mammaa :) 

Emma pelaa sählyä iso-mamman olohuoneessa

torstai 4. lokakuuta 2012


Tänään Emma itki tuttia metrossa, ja vaikka kuinka yritin lohduttaa niin ei mikään auttanut. Sit mietin että ehkä hän rauhoittuisi itse jos perääntyisin vähän, niin menin rattaiden taakse seisoo, niin takaa kuulu heti "vitun teini äiti".... Meinasin oikein räjähtää vihasta. Siis tietenkin kaikki lapset itkevät, niin miksi kun se kiukku iskee nuoren äidin lapselle niin heti oletetaan että mä oon joku lasta hylkäävä, bilehile joka ei välitä lapsestaan?!

Ennen en ehkä olisi ottanut sitä niin henkilökohtaisesti, mutta en ole viettänyt Emman kanssa paljon yhteistä aikaa viime aikoina ja tunnen siitä niin paljon syyllisyyttä. Sen takia se iski suoraan heikkoon kohtaan ja olisin varmaan purkanut kaiken syyllisyydestä muodostuneen vihan huutamalla sille pissikselle mutta onneksi pidin suuni kiinni (Emman puolesta).

Noh....nyt ku toikin angsti on saatu ulos, niin taidanpas esitellä Emman uusia vaatteita! "Nonna" (eli Emman isoäiti, ja minun äiti) kävi New Yorkissa ja osti sieltä kivoja Gapin ja Calvin Kleinin vaatteita Empulle <3 

sitten vielä uusia palikoita ja kirjoja :)
Äiti sai myöskin tuliaisia! Kivan "asiallisen" näköisen neuleen ja mekon, calvin klein jakun ja sit House season 8!!! House on siis maailman paras sarja, ja sit vielä Emman synnytys lähti käyntiin House jakson aikana.... eli varmaan alko ärsyttää ku äiti ei muuta saanut aikaseks loppuraskauden aikana ku kattoo Housea :D 

 Mut jee Emmasta ei paljon kuvia muuta kun tämä yksi pelottava jonka sain viikonloppuna otettuu :)

tiistai 25. syyskuuta 2012

Parents association

Today I went to Emma's daycare for parent-teacher evening. At first it was a bit awkward when I got there, but I started chatting with some of the moms to break the ice. The daycare thought of starting a parents association and OBVIOUSLY I was the first one writing my name on the list :D We figured we could organize some outside daycare trips or flea markets together. I thought that was a great idea, and can't wait to start participating in it! Lol, I wonder if I can add "member of parents association" in my C.V ? :D Guess it would give away that I have a kid :D

I hope taking on this parents association isn't too much. I'm already trying to get on the students association board in our school, and becoming a tutor in the spring.
Emma's art (middle one)
   Recently I've felt that running this household has been too much for me! I barely cook, mainly because Emma eats lunch and dinner at daycare... The place is constantly messy, and my laundry basket is ALWAYS full. My main priority is to do well in school, and I'm hoping Emma can sacrifice spending as much time with me and living in this "less than perfect home". Now if I just pass all my courses, it'll feel like Emma's sacrificing will have been worth it. But don't get me wrong, it's not like she's suffering :D She likes daycare now and SHE'S the one making the mess!! ALL my papers constantly all over the place and bread crumbs everywhere.
Maybe I should figure out how to organize my time better. I'm sure everything will sort out as long as I get studying and pass my exams! Especially my food science exam :S

lauantai 22. syyskuuta 2012

Emma's tricks and some study plans :)

Emma's genius has surprised me once again! As most of you know her list of "tricks" includes re-arranging the pillows, her ballerina skills, and fetching. Now, if I tell Emma " Can you pick that up and throw it in the trash" she'll bend down, take it, walk to the kitchen trash, open the cupboard and throw it in there... Cleaning just got a million times more fun! Nevertheless if the fun dies out in her new trick, at least the place will look a bit tidier with Emma's help. I was thinking next I can try to teach her to pick up her toys, and when she's managed to achieve the black belt in baby cleaning, she could maybe even do her own laundry ;)

Today I woke up feeling a bit flu-ish, and my voice has diminished. I can barely even whisper, and even that hurts. The side-effects of a good class trip to Tallinn. I was a bit upset though, that when I came back and my dad dropped Emma off, she didn't even mind that I had been gone! She smiled to see me but didn't seem very enthusiastic. Sad times, but at least I don't need to feel guilty anymore when leaving her for a day or two. Also when she is left in daycare, she doesn't cry anymore! She seems to have started to enjoy it, which means I don't need to stress about how she will manage there anymore. However, her crying did prove how much she needed my presence and that secretly made me feel a bit loved :P

As I was writing this, Emma peed--> on the floor-->on my leg, and on business cards I got from hotels :D Idiotically I grabbed the first towel I saw to dry the floor, and I know that no matter how well the machine washes it, it will still smell like pee when I use it myself later. That's really gross, and I'm thinking I need to buy new towels to use myself, and leave my old ones to clean Emma's puddles. 

Anywhoo, I was thinking I'd add a bit more about myself and my future plans here, education-wise. I am now in Haaga-Helia Uni; and previously I didn't think I'd want to go for exchange or even complete an internship abroad. I have recently learned that we NEED to complete one of our internships abroad (we have 3). I've started to think about my options, and I really would like to complete my summer internship in Costa Rica, to be able to visit my family and update my Spanish skills a bit. I also figured I could go for exchange to Sweden to learn Swedish a bit better, and after our Tallinn trip I DEFINATLY want to spend some time in Tallinn. I figured these would be reasonable plans since I could take Emma with me. In Costa Rica I could maybe hire and relative or friend to watch her for me, and in Sweden (I figure) the daycare system is similar to ours (public and free). To Estonia... I figured I could work/study there for a while and leave Emma with my parents, and then visit every weekend. Does this sound reasonable to anybody!? Or just some un-realistic need for new experiences?? I CAN SEE IN MY STATISTICS THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ THIS SO PLEASE PLACE YOUR POSITIVE/NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/QUETIONS :):):):) 

And for those that come for the pictures: 
ballerina baby
Only Emma is allowed to decide the contents of her trolley in the store

I'm sorry I haven't been taking many pictures of Emma recently... :( 

perjantai 31. elokuuta 2012


Emma has been at her new daycare this week, and frankly, she hates it :( sucks. Apparently she's crying all the time... The people there keep trying to convince me she's sick so I took her to the doctor AND THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH HER. I swear she's just crying cause she is so intimidated by the size of the place. They should really know how to deal with that :( Nonetheless she's fine once I pick her up and she's same old same old Emma. Here she is in our yard in some over-sized clothing :P 

Talking on the phone
This kid is such a genius. She knows a bunch of tricks :P She can do plie and piruetti :D aka she bends her knees and then turns around. She also knows how to talk on the phone, she can even blow her own nose! And she knows to say kakka while she's pooing or peeing, which results in me saying "yes I know, I can feel it down my leg"

princess' need to be pretty :)
So yeah it's a bit weird writing here again, I hope someone can give me ideas to what to write about.... like if you want to here more about our schedule / games or my school or even our feelings. Note you can post anonymously ;)

sunnuntai 26. elokuuta 2012

Boring weekend

This weekend I decided was a good weekend to do NOTHING. Emma spent max 2 hours outside, mainly because she has a runny nose and a bit of a cough. I don't want her to be sent home the first day of her (new) daycare, so I'm hoping she'll be better tomorrow from resting. It's really hard listening to her cough while writing here, I keep wanting to check how she is... but I know that by walking into her room I'll just wake her up :(

Miraculously Emma took two naps today on my behalf. I keep passing out on my bed from being so exhausted. Luckily she's sometimes understanding and naps with me, or at least chills on the bed for a little while. I managed to forget how hard it is being all day at home with a kid. I swear I'm cleaning ALL the time, and still it's messy!! But the mess is really worth it. Behind me is a pile of quilts and pillows, but they were used in the tent me and Emma made today :) It was our tent on a deserted island where we go sea-shell picking. :)

Emma organizing out tent
 Also I'm avoiding going into out kitchen... I decided to make lentil soup as part of an assignment for school. The soup turned out OK, but thinking about the dishes is making me stressed and sleepy. And yes, our homework was to cook food --> best courses ever!

lentil soup

Tomorrow I'll put up a picture of Emma's first day in daycare <3 But for now I will go educate myself on wines. And yes, we have a wine course --> best school ever!

lauantai 25. elokuuta 2012

Little school girls

Emma is changing daycare on Monday, and is going to a BIG one with many kids of all ages. I'm so scared for her! I preferred that she had a more intimate environment in her previous one, but unfortunately I just couldn't make it there sometimes by 17:00 to pick her up :( She already has her back-pack packed and tomorrow I'll buy her a folder, that she can use to store her artwork, and a diaper pack :) I also bought her these ugly Cars-indoor shoes, and yes I was being cheap but common she'll need new ones soon anyways.

I had my first week of classes at uni and its been really nice so far! I actually like my courses, and enjoy (so far) reading for them. This has come as a huge surprise to me, and my family, considering I slacked off all of high school :D

We took pics for mommy's first day in school :)

torstai 23. elokuuta 2012


   I know I'm a bit late writting this in, but I have to show pictures and tell about our amazing trip to Moomin World! I used to go there as a kid, and it has definatly changed quite a bit since my visit.

   We had the enjoyable company of my dad's girlfriend Heini and her daughter Silja. We spent a few hours on Väski, an island with obstacle courses and events for children, which was great for Silja and she seemed to really enjoy it. We then continued to Moomin World, which was AMAZING. All the moomin characters were there, singing and dancing for kids to join in. Emma was in the front line clapping and stepping to the beat. For those who haven't seen Emma dance... you've missed out. The most adorable thing in the world. That girl is going to end up and amazing dancer. There was also a theatre where Moomin and his friends performed a play about them in the Wild West. :) We ate makkaraperunoita and did some shopping in the moomin store. Unfortunatly we didn't have time to see everything, but atleast there's more for next years trip!

Äiti ja Emma

sunnuntai 13. toukokuuta 2012

Chunky sh*t water

Dear readers,
   I have been meaning to come write here all the time. The thought of your broken hearts when you see my empty blog keeps me up at nights. I have tried, I swear. Pinky swear. A big part of this blog is posting pictures of Emma, and of course there are some adorable ones from our trip to Rhodes, from her birthday and just from everyday happenings. Unfortunatly, after our Rhodes trip my computer broke down. Now I figured I would download the pictures from my fathers computer, but the first time I came here, I forgot my camera. The second time, I forgot the USB cable. Now, the lucky third time, I managed to get the process of copying the pictures going... and my camera runs out of battery. It's just not meant to be.

   But that can't stop me no more, I will break Karma's will and write here anyways. (So if you came here for the photos, just might aswell turn around now).  For those loyal readers I will reward your patience by telling you what we did this fine saturday. The weather was so nice today, and we went with Åsa to this Japanese garden party in Roihis. It was cute, not very happening, and the performances weren't that special, but still pretty cute. Some people dressed up in those colorful animae(?) costumes, but our Japanese participation was drinking Miso soup. After that we went to town, had coffee and fries and just walked&talked.

   The real highlight to readers might be hearing about our little poopy incident. Recently I leave Emma without a diaper for a while every day. She had a REALLY bad diaper rash, and this ventilation has really helped. And as you can guess, she pooped on the floor. I hadn't noticed because she did it in a another room so fast, and just came running back. Then later she went back to my dad's room which she had used as a toilet, and started playing with her poop. PLAYING WITH HER POOP! It was all over her legs and hands and this all happened in a split second. In a panic I took her to the shower, and started washing her. There were chunks of shit floating on the ground. Lucky me, I got to stand in it... chunky shit water <3 So gross. SO gross. I also had to wash the poopy dog bed. Fun evening; yet I just laugh, wierd huh?

Yours truly,

torstai 8. maaliskuuta 2012


   Yesterday me and Emma took a day-trip to Estonia! The trip went so well, we had so much fun and I was proud of Emma for being on her best behaviour. I was so nervous before the trip, travelling with a baby can just be so unpredictable! I packed everything the day before, and even though we didn't need the change of clothes or any toys, with kid's it's just better to pack too much than too little.

   For once we actually took advantage of the 10e cruise coupons they give out at Alepa. The offer is only for mon-fri day-cruises but if you have the chance you should definatly go! Best 10e I've spent in a long time. Also, under 5 year olds go free! The boat weighed anchor at 8:00 and arrived in Tallinn at 11:00. We had breakfast on the boat. I definatly do not recommend to feed a baby near a table of grannys, because their "awwwhhh what a cutey" will keep the kid from paying attention to the feeding! There was a small play area for children, but there were a couple boys playing so I went in with Emma to make sure she wasn't hurt. There was a ball pit (pallomeri), which I first figured Emma would be too small for, but since it was very shallow I decided to place her in it. She was in heaven! She went crawling around all wild, thinking there were just so many balls to choose from to play with :) Another funny thing that happened, was when an hour into the trip you could see Silja and Viking Line boats coming back from Sweden, so I showed Emma saying "look there are the boats coming back home from Sweden, there's Viking and there's Silja" and she screamed all excited! Of course she thought it was her "aunt" Silja, who she admirers. I havn't even mentioned her name that many times and she knows it already. Babies know more than you realize.

Ekaa kertaa pallomeressä :')

   When looking up "Tallinn with kids" on google, there weren't so many hits. There were options of a children's museum and puppet museum, but Emma is still so young I don't think she would enjoy sitting in a stroller and looking at windows. There was also a Miia-Milla-Manda museum for children. There the children could touch and play with everything on display, so I thought that'd be perfect for Emma. For once I wouldn't have to pull her away from everything. In Tallinn I got a bit confused which direction to take the tram in, but tried my luck and apparently picked the right one. Frankly, I wouldn't classify the place as a museum. It was more of a big play place with 5 rooms, all with different themes. They suggested it for children from 3-11 years but Emma being 10months also had a great time. If in Tallinn with children, I definatly recommend Miia-Milla-Manda. They also had a café and changing facilities, so taking care of babies is not a hastle there. The best part was the price! Emma went free, so all we paid was my ticket, which was 2,56e! WHAT!? In Finland they would price it anywhere from 8-12e.Nothing makes you happier than inexpensive stuff.

My number 1


Nothing cooler than a mushroom with a tv inside!

   Tallinn seemed pretty child friendly. Luckily the bus and tram we took didn't have stairs, so getting the stroller in wasn't hard. I hear not all restaurants have feeding chairs or changing tables, so we didn't go eat anywhere (not that we had any time anyways). Living in Finland has spoilled me when it comes to being out with a small child. I really respect Finland for being so child-friendly. All restaurants (except maybe some ghetto kebab places outside the center) have feeding chairs. All malls and big stores have changing tables in the bathrooms and taking public transportation is free when pushing a stroller. Not to mention you can breastfeed anywhere you want, or atleast I breastfeed anywhere I want :D

   On the way back Emma started getting a bit tired, but I expected that. I was so happy that she behaved so well, and had a fun trip. We even saw Teuvo Oinas! Didn't actually know who he was before the trip, but a couple people went to ask him for his picture so guess he's pretty known (among old people).

Day Overview:
Amount of pilttis: 3,5
Amount of diapers: 5
"Friends" made: 3
Mood: happy and excited



sunnuntai 26. helmikuuta 2012

Little bit of this and that

I've really wanted to come and write here more often, but I honestly don't know what people want to read. The answer "write about Emma" IS VARY VAGUE, so some ideas would be nice. Right now I'm trying to write, but Lil'E keeps trying to climb up my leg crying for my attention. Naturally, I just ignore her and hope she'll go away and play with her toys. I know that sounds cruel, but it's not like I'll take her onto my lap every time she wants me to.

Today Emma has been a bit sick. She's thrown up about 4 times; and thrown up A LOT. It's so sad to watch her be sick and cry because it hurts her stomach. I really hope I managed to comfort her enough. She's also had diarrhea a few times, even though she hasn't eaten anything. At least she's drinking a lot of water, so she stays hydrated. There's no fever and she seems just as alert, so it shouldn't be too serious. It's really worrying, but I have a feeling she got some bacteria due to the fact she sticks everything in her mouth. I hope it's over by tomorrow.

Emma has been growing so much lately! Ok, not length wise, but she's learning new things. I swear she's already trying to say "äiti" (mom in finnish). Although her version of it is more like "äidi", but she's getting there! It honestly melts my heart :') But even just as cute is when she stands on my lap and wraps her arms around me, like if she were giving me a hug <3 I also like watching her when she stands against our cuboards (especially the bathroom one) and her eyes glow and sparkle when she realizes she's managed to open the doors again :D It's just so fun for her to rummage through the drawers. Amazingly I don't mind putting all the stuff back into place, or at least not yet I don't.

I would like to show off some of the new additions to our household!

First of all I HAD to get this for Emma, it's such a classic toy. Unfortunatly Emma doesn't really use it yet, but maybe once she learns to walk it'll be more in use.

Brio pushy thing :P

Princess Emma's Thrown
I bought Emma a potty! I think parents usually start potty training children at around 18months but I didn't think there'd be any harm if I put Emma to sit there once in a while. The thing is, we have such a small sink that it gets very hard/annoying to wash Emma's golden bum, therefore I figured I can sit her on the potty after her meals if in any luck she'll poopy there instead of her diaper.( I'm sure that was nice for everyone to read :P ) She sits there very nicely, and we read her Moomin bath book together. It's a lot of fun, honestly. So far she's made little peepee in her potty. THE CUTEST PEEPEE IN THE WORLD. It's so hilarious how you can be so proud of someone's peeing.

Last but not least, I bought Emma a new stroller! I thought we could use a new one, a lighter one, that would be easy to use on trips or during the summer. At first I looked at one stroller that was on sale, 79e, real good price. But instead I decided to spend 50e more because...wait for it...these ones have a cup holder!! It's so sad how something so useless can be so appealing to spenders.
We've brought the stroller up to our appartment and we've been breaking them in. I tell Emma we need to practice using them so we're prepared when we use them in Rhodos (April 2012). :)

torstai 9. helmikuuta 2012


   Today Emma woke up crying at 8:00; unlike usually, she didn't stop crying. She didn't want to play, she didn't want to feed, go back to sleep or have a poopy diaper. I concluded that it was digestion pain or maybe teething. Eventually I got her to feed and she fell back asleep. When we later woke up, she cried again, and spent most of the morning whining. She ate breakfast but took only a spoonful of lunch. I thought that a bit wierd so I measured her temperature. Now, babies have a fever if their temperature is over 38°C. We have a pacifier thermometer, which is handy even though it takes a few minutes (thank you Laura!), and that shows -0.5°C of the actual body temperature. The thermometer showed 37.7°, so Emma had a fever of 38.2°C. 0.2°C fever for a mom who's never had a sick kid before = PANIC PANIC PANIC. I was so worried! Poor Emma, no wonder she was so upset and uncomfortable. I didn't really know what to dress her in, I didn't want her to be cold, but I didn't want her to overheat either. So she spent a while naked, which is anyways recommended for feverish babies to help their body temperature drop. We spent most of the day in bed reading books, singing and feeding. I gave her lots of milk so she would stay hydrated. I didn't want to give her aspirin (for babies) unless the fever got past 39°C - I don't really like the idea of taking medicine unless it's really necessary. Before bed her temperature was 38°C, so I'm guessing over night it'll go away completely. 

Other than the fever Emma has been doing great! I've noticed that she knows when something is hidden behind something else. Small infants think items disappear when they are covered, but now when I try to hide my phone under a blanket on the sofa/bed she knows to go looking for it underneath the blanket. Also she turns the pages when we're reading a book together, what a smartypants <3 She just keeps getting cuter every day, the way she interacts with me and recognizes all sorts of things: songs, words etc. She knows tisu means tits/milk, ei means no, and her name ofcourse. She also likes the song "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly", at the moment it's her favorite.

Day overview:
Amount of Pilttis (baby food): 3
Amount of diapers: 6 (3 poops, so not fair since she didn't even eat much!!)
Mood: uncomfortable 

she stands so tall :)

So vain :D
PS - I like to take Emma to places so she can look and wander around, thing is I've run out of ideas where to take her. If I take her to town or malls I end up shopping and spending money, so if anyone could come up with places for us to spend a day wound be nice. Nothing expensive. We sometimes go to these family cafes but they've gotten a bit boring. We've already planned to go to the zoo next week, so an activity like that would be fun. Any ideas welcome!

torstai 2. helmikuuta 2012

Sea life

Yesterday I took Emma to Sea life to explore the underwater worlds- from a distance. There were fish from many a seas. One of my favorites was a fish from Central/South America. The board on the wall said it has been known to jump out of the water and even catch monkeys from the trees. Intense. Emma seemed to be most fascinated by colourful fish. It was so cute seeing her all amazed, staring at the aquariums.

Emma avec some piranas


 That black and white fish that looks like an eel, was poppin' its body out a cave, so freaky. Emma liked watching the fish that's swimming above her head.
 We waited by the shark pool to see the sharks being fed. They knew exactly when their feeding was and starting anxiously swimming in small, fast circles. I expected them to drop a big chunk of meat in the water and see them rip it up with their powerful jaws. Sadly, that didn't happen. They gave the sharks individually a piece of fish with a giant fork (?!!?). Not exciting at all.

   Nonetheles, the jelly-fish area was nice to look at, since the pools changed colour. Emma was a bit scared though, so we left quickly.

We compared Emma's octupus to a real one - not much resemblance.

Capt. Calamary and cousin.

 Towards the end Emma got a bit restless. Maybe because the last section was for native Finnish fish, and they all were so similar looking. Nevertheless, it was a cute trip; it's very fun spending time out with Emma :)

maanantai 30. tammikuuta 2012


   Now that Emma is older she's so much more fun to play with. She explores and learns new things all the time. Although, some games mommy doesn't really approve. I think her favorite game is "What can I taste next?" I know some kids stick everything in their mouth, but I think Emma is obsessed! I mean she goes around with her mouth open, a predator look in her eyes looking like she's ready to attack. She chews on metal poles, toilet seats and the end of the hose that brings the dirty water out of our washing machine..very sanitary. Sometimes she lies on her stomach - arms and legs spread out on the floor, chewing on the end of my boots. She looks so ridiculous :D
Emma helping out with chores

   Whenever we're somewhere with less people around, I let her crawl around on the floor. No joke, if she had a leash on it would feel exactly like walking a dog.

Angelina Jolie mentioned a qoute in her book: "you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation". I've realized that's really true, and it's so much more fun spending time with someone if you get to explore your imagination. I try to spend as much time as possible playing with Emma, but honestly it would be a lot more fun if she would understand what I say. I try building obstacle courses, tents and other games for us, but she doesn't seem to care for them (or maybe just not yet...).
Our little jungle :)